Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Thornes Trio

Artist: The Thornes Trio
LP: Jesus, Use Me
Song: "I'm In Love With a Man"
[ listen ]

This 1977 LP was still sealed when I found it at Silver Platters up by the Northgate Mall a few months ago, and the liner notes don't say anything about the gender of the singers. I was sorta' hoping The Thornes Trio would turn out to be an all-male group, inadvertently causing much congregational anxiety by announcing the title of their next number: "I'm In Love With a Man." A collective sigh would pass over the pews when everyone realized the guys were only going to be singing about Jesus Christ. Anyway, The Thornes are actually a trio of sisters—Selina Allen, Naomi Mackall, and Elaine Dennis—who have been making music together for over 40 years. And they're also only singing about Jesus Christ. You can read more about The Thornes Trio of Baltimore, MD and find a link for buying their 2008 "Authentic" CD on the CD Universe website here.

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