Sunday, November 20, 2011


Overheard when: 9:26pm on Saturday, November 19, 2011 — just as the first end credit of Lars von Trier's MELANCHOLIA appeared on the screen.
Overheard where: inside the downstairs cinema at the Harvard Exit Theatre, on Capitol Hill at 807 East Roy - Seattle, WA [map]
Overheard who: an annoying, granny-voiced gentleman at the back of the cinema,
probably in his 40s or 50s, ostensibly speaking only to his movie-going companion, but making sure that everyone within shouting distance could hear.
Overheard what: "That was just terrible! I don't understand why people have to take excellent actors and then completely waste them like that! I'm just SO disappointed. I don't even know why these actors would agree to be in something like this—I suppose it must have looked good on paper. But that was just a HORRIBLE movie! I want my two hours back."

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