Thursday, February 16, 2012

Miki World

Artist: Miki World
LP: Miki World
Song: "Santamonica Macho Man"
[ listen ]

Though it sounds like it could be a popular children's theme park, Miki World is actually the name of an attractive female Japanese musical artist, clothes horse, and roller-skater who evidently visited southern California to record a bunch of pop tunes for her self-titled LP in 1979. No explanation (not in English anyway) is offered for the pair of floating white orbs on the front cover—and though I admit she's a beauty, after rising at the crack of dawn today to edit over two-dozen Miki World LP-insert photos before work, I can safely say it would be fine with me if I never laid eyes on her again! And I'm pretty fed up with her goddamn roller skates too.

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