Monday, April 23, 2012

Danny Welton

Artist: Danny Welton
LP: Harmonica Hi-Jinx In High Fidelity
Song: "Yama Yama Man"
[ listen ]

I stepped in to sub on organ and piano yesterday at the Congregational Church up in the Seattle suburb of Shoreline, and then dropped in at the local Goodwill Thrift Store afterwards to look for vinyl treasures. I came across some cool disco 45s, a neat organ LP I'll be posting later, and this bouncy (late '50s?) Spin-O-Rama release from harmonica superstar Danny Welton. (Danny may only be a "superstar" in his own mind and at the karaoke bar of the Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, but that's good enough for me.) In the 1950s Welton appeared in cinema classics THE WILD ONE with Marlon Brando and MEET DANNY WILSON with Frank Sinatra, and more recently he's been appearing at the Clark Country Courthouse in Nevada on charges of writing bad checks and trespassing. Danny also reportedly behaved badly at the SPAH convention in Memphis, making it one convention that those in attendance will not soon forget. You can read more about Danny Welton's recent escapades here and here, and see the harmonica virtuoso work his magic on a lovely and overplayed Andrew Lloyd Webber tune by visiting YouTube here:

Danny Welton on YouTube:
[ "Memory" ]

1 comment:

  1. danny welton is outgoing and has
    alot of energy for mid 80s guy.
    But he is way too bi polar and
    nasty once you get to know him.
    if you do what he tells you to
    do , you may get along with him
    for a longer amount of time.
