Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gunter Kallmann's German Chorus with Orchestra and Bells

Artist: Gunter Kallmann's German Chorus with Orchestra and Bells
LP: Serenade For a Lady In Love
Song: "Liebe, Die Nie Vergeht (Love Me With All My Heart)"
[ listen ]

When I first saw the title of this track from Gunter Kallmann's 1965 "Serenade For a Lady In Love" LP, it kinda' pissed me off. Of course I realized it was just one of those inspirational, positive-thinking, look-on-the-bright-side-type songs designed to help people (Germans, in this case) learn to love themselves with all their hearts... But you know, I've been loving myself with all my heart (not to mention both my hands) for several decades now, and it really would be nice to be loved by someone else's heart for a change! Oh. Just read the liner notes...guess that was just a typo in the title on the cover. can read about Gunter Kallmann and his German Chorus on the Space Age Pop site here, where the writer compares Kallmann's incessant and irritating use of bells to the sound of "a mosquito buzzing in your ear."

 [ Gunter Kallmann ]

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