Friday, April 13, 2012

Lucha Moreno y Jose Juan

Artist: Lucha Moreno y Jose Juan
LP: Impactos Musicales
Song: "Deja Deja"
[ listen ]

Here's a little something from charming Mexican duo Lucha Moreno and Jose Juan, who were evidently married in real life. According to my online Spanish translator, "Deja Deja" means either "Leaves Leaves" or "It Stops, Stops" in English, and according to the label on the record, that's Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan behind them on this particular track. My search for info about Jose Juan only turned up lots of sexy pictures like this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one. As for the lovely Lucha Moreno, I discovered that she's a film and television actress who's been in lots of shows and movies—including 1961's "Tirando a Matar," which my translator calls "Pulling to Kill" in English. There's some Spanish-language info about Lucha y Jose here, and I've included the "Tirando a Matar" movie poster below along with notes and photos from the back of the "Impactos Musicales" LP, which I'm guessing was released in the early-to-mid 1960s.

 [ Lucha Moreno y Jose Juan... y su tequila. ]

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