Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Grupa Wokalna Izabelli

Artist: Grupa Wokalna Izabelli
LP: Zimowe Strofy
Song: "Nad Domem Gwiazda"
[ listen ]

If Grupa Wokalna Izabelli looks familiar, it might be because they're also known as Isabella's Vocal Group, which is also known as The Exotic Trio, which is also known as Tercet Egzotyczny, which I featured here on the blog back at the end of August. I came across that album at Blue Arrow Records in Cleveland during my Ohio road trip last summer, but the group's 1972 "Zimowe Strofy (Winter Stanzas)" LP is one of the things I found at Square Records in Akron a few days later. The lovely and talented Izabella Skrybant continues to perform with her trio today, while enjoying an active life of luxury that includes biking, gardening, yoga, swimming, and hanging out with friends. Izabella wears two false fingers on her right hand—and if I could understand Polish I'd probably be able to find out why—a sledding accident, perhaps? You can read about Izabella Skrybant in Polish here, go here to find some English-language info about her group, and the Polish and English-language LP liner notes are both included below.

[ Izabella Skrybant in 2010 ]

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