Thursday, January 31, 2013

Patty Andrews [1918-2013]

Artist: The Andrews Sisters
LP: Near You
Song: "Sing a Tropical Song"
[ listen ]
I guess it had to happen sooner or later. I woke up this morning to the sad news that Patty Andrews, the last surviving sibling of the magnificent singing trio The Andrews Sisters, had died. She was 94 years old. 

My Grammie introduced me to the joys of the music of the 1940s via my sister, Sarah, when I was about 15 years old. Sarah discovered Grammie's "Those Were Our Songs: The Early '40s" Reader's Digest record set in a wooden cabinet in Grammie's living room and we just couldn't stop listening to them!

 [ Maxene, Patty, LaVerne — top to bottom ]

Along with lots of other great artists of the period, like Betty Hutton, Frankie Laine, and Ella Mae Morse, The Andrews Sisters were, of course, heavily featured in the Reader's Digest collection. Sarah and I grew to love their hits like "Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy," "Rum and Coca-Cola," and "Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar," but our favorite was a bouncy little number called "Ferryboat Serenade," a song that often still gets stuck in my head today.

 [ LaVerne, Patty, Maxene — left to right ]

Patty was the youngest of the three Andrews sisters, and was the dynamic lead vocalist of the trio. She had an energy, personality, and pizzaz that made The Andrews Sisters lots of fun to watch as well as listen to, and it gave Maxene and LaVerne, who seem to have been more reserved, a shining sun around which to orbit. Check out the wonderful clip below of The Andrews Sisters performing "(I'm Gettin') Corns For My Country" from the WWII musical HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN and you'll see what I mean. You can read all about The Andrews Sisters here and go here to read Patty Andrews' obituary in the New York Times.

The Andrews Sisters on YouTube:
[ "(I'm Gettin') Corns For My Country" ]

LaVerne Andrews
[ July 6, 1911 — May 8, 1967 ]
Maxene Andrews
[ January 3, 1916 — October 21, 1995 ]

Patty Andrews
[ February 16, 1918 — January 30, 2013 ]
We will miss you, Patty.


  1. My dad enjoyed the andrew sisters too.I got turned on to music of that era when I started making my dad mixtapes in the 1980s!
    Thank you for posting this!

  2. La grand merde de page
