Monday, September 16, 2013

Sweet Sensation

Artist: Sweet Sensation
LP: Sad Sweet Dreamer
Song: "Sad Sweet Dreamer"
[ listen ]

I'm not doing very well with my resolve to not buy more records until I've cleaned all the vinyl riffraff out of my collection. I've fallen off the wagon several times lately, and this past weekend I not only fell off the wagon, but the wagon then went in reverse and ran me over three more times. This 1974 LP by the British soul group Sweet Sensation (not this one) is one of the wonderful things I was able to stash in the wagon before I fell off. The title track from "Sad Sweet Dreamer" was a #1 hit in the UK and reached #14 on the singles charts here in the USA. It's somehow the perfect song for the end of summer, as the nights start getting cooler, with autumn just around the bend. You can read about Sweet Sensation on Wikipedia here

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