Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Aquarian Dream

Artist: Aquarian Dream
LP: Norman Connors Presents Aquarian Dream
Song: "Phoenix"
[ listen ]

After raiding the Bremerton thrift stores on Saturday I headed north to Port Townsend to meet up with my friends John and Aine and some of Aine's family who were there for the day. Somehow we all ended up at Quimper Sound. John dug up this 1976 Aquarian disco treasure and gave it to me as an early birthday present! Ever since laying eyes on it, I've been having my own Acquarian dreams involving variations on the titillating scenario pictured here:

You can read all about the never-quite-as-popular-as-they-should-have-been Aquarian Dream here and go here to see the guys in the group without their shirts on. In case you hadn't already guessed, "Phoenix" is not about the capital city of Arizona.
[ Aquarian Dream ]

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