Monday, November 30, 2015

Billy Idol

Artist: Billy Idol
LP: 7" single
Song: "Dancing With Myself" 
[ listen ]

I heard on NPR this morning that today is Billy Idol's 60th birthday! One of my biggest teen celebrity crushes, Billy was pretty damn cute in the early days, before his sneer became a 'thing' and way, way before his sneer started to seem like it might actually be caused a gastrointestinal disorder. My copy of "Dancing With Myself" is the 1983 re-release, which peaked at #102 on the singles charts, barely missing the Billboard Hot 100. (The initial 1981 release didn't register on the charts at all.) You can read all about Billy Idol here, there's another sexy photo here, and go here for a recitation of "Billy Idol's Penis," a poem by Zilla McCue. Happy Birthday, Billy Idol!

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