Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Kinks

Artist: The Kinks
LP: 7" single
Song: "Father Christmas" 
[ listen ]

One of the things I want for Christmas is to go back in time nine days to before I tried to upgrade to Windows 10, which killed my computer until I had the IT guy at work rescue it (I was 'this close' to putting my laptop in the road and running over it with my car). He was able to restore Windows 7, but then somehow I ended up with a new version of iTunes that isn't compatible for importing mp3s from my Ion turntable, so then I had to update my Ion software. Now the Ion only seems to import wav files to a folder instead of mp3s to iTunes. God, what have I done. WHAT HAVE I DONE? Plus, the new iTunes looks like shit. Everything's humongous. Anyway I've sorted it out so that there's an mp3 up there that I hope at least one person will listen to. 

Oh, and the other thing I want for Christmas is a more exciting picture sleeve for my Kinks Christmas record. This one's so boring it keeps putting me to sleep.

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