Sunday, May 1, 2016

Renate & Werner Leismann

Artist: Renate & Werner Leismann
LP: Wo Der Wind Weht
Song: "Wem Gott Will Rechte Gunst Erweisen" 
[ listen ]

Happy May Day! I just got home from a sunny bike ride to Seattle's Belltown neighborhood where I had brunch with my good friend Gene. I biked alongside the glistening waters of the Puget Sound, with Mount Rainier and the Seattle skyline off in the distance, and as I rode a cool spring wind was blowing through my hair. I've never felt more like Renate & Werner Leismann in my life!

In fact, "Wo Der Wind Weht" is German for "Where the Wind Blows" (durch meine haare) and, according to Google Translate, "Wem Gott Will Rechte Gunst Erweisen" means "Whom God Will Prove Right Favor." I think we can all agree that nothing proves God's right favor more than suddenly finding yourself in the middle of a golden wheat field wearing a fabulous jumpsuit in either yellow or pink.
[ Werner Leismann: December 31, 1936 — April 21, 2015 ]
[ Renate Leismann: April 16, 1942 — February 23, 2016 ]

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