Saturday, October 15, 2016


Artist: Stratavarious
LP: Stratavarious
Song: "Let Me Be Your Lady Tonight"
[ listen ]

Record Theatre at 1800 Main Street (there's another location further north on Main Street that I didn't get to visit) is the third record store I stopped into on my trip to Buffalo. I actually went here twice—first on my premiere day in town, then again two weeks later to pick up a $3 Inez Andrews LP that I'd stupidly passed over the first time I was there.

Filled with CDs, DVDs, books and records both used and new as far as the eye can see (I wasn't wearing my glasses), Record Theatre is a total throwback to...well, actually, a remaining holdout from, the days of the giant entertainment retailers of the 1980s—complete with vibrant neon advertising stuck to the walls inside. Wherehouse Music leapt immediately to mind the instant I stepped inside. Record Theatre does have a decent amount of used vinyl for sale, but I only turned up a few real gems after rummaging through everything they had. This sexy 1977 harp-centric Stratavarious LP is one of them. It's perfect listening for today's gloomy afternoon calm before the typhoon or hurricane or whatever it is that we're expecting to descend upon Seattle tonight at 6pm.

[ Record Theatre — Buffalo, NY ]

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