Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Swan Silvertones

Artist: Swan Silvertones
CD: Amen, Amen, Amen: The Essential Collection
Song: "The Day Will Surely Come"
[ listen ]
Song: "Mary Don't You Weep"
[ listen ]

The fifth Buffalo record store I went to was the oldest one in town—Doris Records, founded in 1962. Their advertising suggested that they've got jazz, gospel, hip-hop, R&B, blues, etc. so I was pretty excited to check them out. Sadly, though they're called Doris Records and they've got a vinyl LP painted over their doorway, they don't actually sell any records. They do sell CDs though, and cassettes, and clothing, and other odds and ends. Since I was determined to obtain a Doris Records souvenir and my rental car had a CD player, I decided to poke around to see what I could find. 

I asked the young guy working there (not Doris, I presume) if they had any old gospel music from the 1950s or '60s, but he said no. All their gospel music was from the 1980s or newer. To make conversation, I suggested that they should consider offering used LPs there, since I bet people would probably bring in all kinds of neat stuff that they could sell. He replied only that he'd forgotten that white people like to buy other people's used stuff. I was taken aback, so only grinned and agreed, "They sure do!" 

As I continued to browse the gospel section and the helpful sales clerk continued to tell me that they didn't have what I was looking for, I suddenly came across this sun-faded Swan Silvertones CD on the shelf. Bingo! From that point on, this wonderful gospel group became a major contributor to the musical soundtrack of my road trip. Swan Silvertones serenading you at top volume at 7:30 in the morning while you're zipping through the misty, sun-lit farmlands of upstate New York, headed toward bacon and just doesn't get much better than that.

Swan Silvertones on YouTube:
[ "Only Believe" ]

[ Doris Records, Inc. — Buffalo, NY ]


  1. Hi Alex! This isn't a comment on this post, per se, but I saw this and thought you'd enjoy: ~rd

  2. Thanks, Ryan. Those are awesome! :)
