Sunday, March 19, 2017

Alive 'N Kickin'

Artist: Alive 'N Kickin'
LP: Alive 'N Kickin'
Song: "Just Let It Come"
[ listen ]

The sun is finally shining in Seattle, and it feels like spring! I even heard a songbird outside my kitchen window yesterday morning. Here's a happy tune to commemorate this joyous occasion, though it's not actually warm enough to go frolicking in the surf at our local area beaches. 

Alive 'N Kickin' were friends with Tommy James, so they were signed to Roulette, the same label he and his Shondells were on. A 'n K had a hit in 1970 with "Tighter Tighter," which went to #7 on the Billboard Hot 100, and then they released this, their only LP, that very same year. Their follow-up single, "Just Let It Come," stalled out at #69 and they haven't been seen on the charts ever since. The group split up in 1971, but some members do reunite from time to time, as you can see here. You can go here to read more about Alive 'N Kickin' on Wikipedia. This is another one of the things I picked up at Black Dots Records in Buffalo, New York last September on my trip.

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