Sunday, June 11, 2017

George K Band

Artist: George K Band
LP: Let's Move Together
Song: "Lonely Queen"
[ listen ]
Song: "Little Lady"
[ listen ]

My quest for an undiscovered Norwegian version of ABBA finally paid off when I found this 1977 George K Band LP at Samleren, the second and final record store I went to in Bergen (not counting this hipster bar I stepped into long enough to find out they sell new vinyl only). 

A project assembled by lead vocalists George Keller and Anita Skorgan, George K Band creates disco melodies that are nicely set to strings provided by the Filharmonisk Selskaps Orkester of Oslo. It's a terrific album—and let's face it, "Lonely Queen" is basically my theme song from the past ten or eleven years.

[ Samleren — Bergen, Norway ]

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