Saturday, August 5, 2017

Ann Hathaway

Artist: Ann Hathaway
LP: The Intimate Ann
Song: "New Love, New Wine"
[ listen ]

Well this is kinda' sad. The caption from page 100 of the book "New York City Jazz" says Ann Hathaway would be remembered as a great singer of the late 1940s. But nowadays she's hardly remembered at all!

Obviously whoever wrote that has never heard of THE PRINCESS DIARIES. I dare you to try Googling Ann Hathaway the great jazz singer of the late '40s. She doesn't even have a Wikipedia page! And even Google is pretty sure you couldn't possibly be looking for anyone other than the newer, larger-lipped, non-intimate Ann who has an 'e' at the end of her name—the one from LES MISERABLES

I wasn't able to find an obituary for my Ann Hathaway, which either means she's faded completely into obscurity and her body is lying someplace uncollected and alone, or maybe she's still alive! Ann, are you still with us? Please leave a comment here to let me know you're still alive and, at age 102 or whatever, you somehow managed to use the internet to Google yourself and find this blog post instead of just millions of these

By employing some advanced Ann Hathaway filtering tactics, I managed to come up with some neat photos of the singer cavorting in Washington Square and performing at Cafe Society in New York in 1947. The extensive LP liner notes about Ms. Hathaway and bandleader Andre Brummer from this (I think) 1956 release are included below.  

[ Ann Hathaway ]


  1. Just purchased her LP off of eBay intimate Ann will be transferring it to a CD as soon as possible it is a treasure

  2. I hope 🤞 you get this...Betty Ann Solloway aka Ann Hathaway 9/21/25 to 8/2/97. See Find a Grave. Absolutely her headstone. Union Rural Cemetary. She passed in her hometown age 71.

  3. Ann worked for me in a telemarketing office in Gloversville NY in the mid 90s... had all kinds of amazing stories, many including her buddy Billie Holiday. She was an unforgettable, endlessly fascinating woman.

    1. Did she ever talk about why her career stalled???? She was great…
