Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Loretta Young

Artist: Loretta Young
LP: The Littlest Angel and Lullaby of Christmas
Song: "The Littlest Angel"
[ listen ]

Speaking of old-timey Christmases, here's one from the dusty, snow-crusted aisles of Christmas past. Though I enjoy the lilting voice of Oscar-winning actress Loretta Young (there are things to admire about Gregory Peck too, of course), I have to admit this record puts me straight to sleep—with visions of sugarplums and everything. I recently watched Loretta Young in a decent film noir from 1949 called THE ACCUSED and she's also great in COME TO THE STABLE and THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER, for which she got her Oscar. It's too bad she isn't better remembered nowadays. You can read all about here here.

[ Loretta Young: January 6, 1913 — August 12, 2000 ]

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