Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Breeders

Artist: The Breeders
LP: Mountain Battles
Song: "Walk It Off"
[ listen ]
Song: "Regalame Esta Noche"
[ listen ]

Happy New Year! I escaped America for a few days and zoomed up to Victoria, British Columbia on the Victoria Clipper for a bit of rest and relaxation. Plus records! The Turntable is a neat-looking little store situated in the famously quaint and narrow Fan Tan Alley, near the city's Chinatown neighborhood. Oh, did I say store? Record museum is what I actually meant, since the prices at The Turntable generally discourage purchasing by anyone who isn't a nutty collector or an unfortunate tourist who has absolutely no idea what they're doing when shopping for vinyl. Here are a few unfortunate examples: 
There were lots of good records at The Turntable, but they basically have an ongoing "buy-one-for-the-price-of-eight" sale and I just wasn't having it....well, not until I found The Breeders' "Mountain Battles" LP perched up on the wall display for $30. That, as a matter of fact, seemed reasonable.

For one thing, that's $30 Canadian, which equals about $25 US. For another thing, The Breeders are one of my favorite bands and you don't see this one around too often on vinyl. For yet one more thing, it features a song, "Regalame Esta Noche," sung entirely in Spanish! For a last and final thing, it was just about the only reasonably-priced LP in the store and I desperately wanted a souvenir from this place! You can read about "Mountain Battles" on Wikipedia here and go here to find a 2008 Pitchfork review that seems pretty spot-on to me.

[ The Breeders, circa 2008 ]

[ The Turntable — Victoria, BC, Canada ]

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