Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Reds

Artist: The Reds
LP: The Reds
Song: "Whatcha' Doin' to Me" / "Not You"
[ listen ]

I'm running out of room again. I keep thinking maybe I'll get rid of some of my late-'70s post punk LPs since lots of them kinda' sound the same...but then they're all so damn good! Like this debut from The Reds on A&M Records. It was evidently a flop when it came out, since A&M dropped them like a red hot potato. Yet the music of The Reds holds up today more than just about anything that went zooming to the top of the charts in 1979. Of course The Reds released their record on green vinyl. You can read a bit about the group here and here. This one's a keeper.
[ The Reds ]

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