Friday, March 16, 2018

Tiny Tim

Artist: Tiny Tim
LP: For All My Little Friends
Song: "They Always Pick On Me"
[ listen
Song: "Chickery Chick"
[ listen ]

If you're a genuine Greenwich Village super-hipster, then you probably know this popular musician by one of his earlier monikers: Dary Dover, Judas K. Foxglove, Emmett Swink, Vernon Castle, or maybe Sir Timothy Timms, Texarcana Tex or Larry Love, the Singing Canary. But to the rest of us, he's just Tiny Tim. Nowadays all the cool bands have a ukulele in their midst, but where was that moral support back in 1969? A trail-blazer is Tiny Tim.

On the way home from work tonight I suddenly had a hankering for a burrito at Gorditos. I hadn't been there in years (and years). The two gals behind me in line were discussing Tiny Tim, how there's the Charles Dickens one, and then the other one, the singer. One of the gals broke into mini performance of Tim's hit single "Tiptoe Through the Tulips." When she finished I asked her to do it again. She would not, but it still made my night. The burrito helped too. Damn their burritos are good. You can read all about Judas K. Foxglove on Wikipedia here.

[ Tiny Tim: April 12, 1932 — November 30, 1996 ]

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