Saturday, August 25, 2018

Henry Stephen

Artist: Henry Stephen
LP: 7" single
Song: "O Quizas Simplemente Le Regale Una Rosa"
[ listen ]

A week ago today I was in Barcelona, Spain! Some good friends had been invited to house-sit for some good friends of theirs at their L'Auberge Espagnole for the entire month of August. They, in turn, invited me to make my first pilgrimage to Spain to spend a few weeks with them. The trip was absolutely fantastic! And you bet I visited a bunch of record stores while I was there. 

The first one I checked out, on the evening of my arrival, was Discos Edison's. It's located just a few blocks from where I was staying in El Raval neighborhood of Barcelona. Edison's is a long and narrow store with lots of bins and piles of discos, way more than I was able to dig through in the 90 minutes before they closed. But I did find a couple of keepers, including this lovely 1969 single from Venezuelan singer Henry Stephen, who was once a member of Los Impala. You can read about him here. The cover of my copy features some sort of printing error, where one of the colors ended up slightly askew, giving it a 3D-without-wearing-the-proper-glasses appeal. I came across more copies of this same single at other stores and they had printed correctly, but that just made me feel like my copy was somehow special and unique.

[ Discos Edison's — Barcelona, Spain ]

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