Friday, March 29, 2019


Artist: Z (aka. Mort Garson)
LP: Music For Sensuous Lovers
Song: "Climax One"
[ listen ]

Here's something titillating I picked up at Daybreak Records on my way home from work this evening. I've been playing some of my mp3s at work before the day gets started, but I guess I should probably skip this one. 

Prolific composer Mort Garson certainly does create a sensuous and erotic moog with this experimental electronic record full of ladies' moans, groans, whimpers and sighs. Released under the name "Z," the record features a cover that's basically the equivalent of the brown paper bag adult magazines were mailed in back in the 1980s and '90s...uh, from what I've been reading in history books, I mean. 

I was hoping side two would be "the man side," but no such luck. This was recorded back in 1971, when straight men couldn't utter any sound at all during sex without risk of seeming silly. 

[ Mort Garson: July 20, 1924 - January 4, 2008 ]

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