Monday, May 27, 2019


Artist: Fortune
LP: Fortune
Song: "Squeeze Me, Tease Me"
[ listen ]

Misfortune, I'm afraid. I picked this one up for the cover, hoping for the musical equivalent of the facial expressions of those two very-1978-looking ladies on the front (singers Colleen Fortune and Maureen Thornton, I presume?). Instead, most of it sounds like their expressions in the other photo, where for some reason they're dressed for a round of fencing. Colleen and Maureen sing not like people, but like in the affected 1970s way you're supposed to sing if you want to be a rock star ("Squeeze Meahh, Tease Meahh"... you get the idea) (but then I guess one could argue that this is exactly what their facial expressions look like on the cover, so what am I complaining about?) (Maybe it's all the saxophone that put me off). Anyway, you can read more about Fortune here, and if you'd like a copy of their debut LP, there will be a used one available at Everyday Music here in Seattle very, very soon indeed.

[ Fortune ]

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