Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Mighty Lemon Drops

Artist: The Mighty Lemon Drops
LP: Out of Hand
Song: "Out of Hand"
[ listen ]

I've been on a Mighty Lemon Drops kick these past few days, and I've just read someone saying that they sorta' sound like Echo & the Bunnymen. I suppose they do! Originally called The Sherbet Monsters, this English group that formed in 1985 had fortunately changed their name before I first heard of them when "Out of Hand" played on MTV's 120 Minutes, which I watched religiously every Sunday night at some divey pizza joint near BYU campus in Provo, UT during my freshman year at college there in 1987-1988. Unfortunately The Lemon Drops, who were both fabulous and mighty, melted away in 1992. You can read about them here.
[ The Mighty Lemon Drops ]

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