Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Eddie Van Halen [1955-2020]

Artist: Van Halen
LP: 7" single
Song: "Pretty Woman"
[ listen ]
I have to admit, I've never been a huge Van Halen fan or anything, but still I was sad to hear that guitar virtuoso Eddie Van Halen died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. Everyone else seemed to be jumping online to post eulogies to Van Halen today, so I figured... might as well jump. 
"Pretty Woman" was the first Van Halen song I became aware of; it was played on the radio a lot when my brother Matt and I first began paying rapt attention to pop music in late 1981 and early 1982. ("Pretty Women" peaked at #12 on the Billboard Hot 100 in '82.) You can read all about Van Halen here, and go here to find a nice obituary for Eddie in the NY Times. I didn't know he had been married to Valerie Bertinelli!
[ L to R: Michael Anthony, Alex Van Halen, David Lee Roth, Eddie Van Halen ]
Eddie Van Halen
[ January 26, 1955 — October 6, 2020 ]
We will miss you, Eddie.

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