Monday, November 9, 2020

Bobby Bloom

Artist: Bobby Bloom
LP: Where Are We Going
Song: "Where Are We Going"
[ listen ]
Song: "Was I Dreamin'"
[ listen ]

This sealed copy of Bobby Bloom's "other" LP arrived in the mail today just in time to try to cheer me up. It's pure 1970 bubblegum pop! I mean sure, I'm a little bit giddy over the fact that Donald Trump will eventually have to face the "fake news" that most Americans prefer Joe Biden as President of the United States of America rather than suffering through another four years of Trump's teenage Twitter tantrums (plus we get Kamala Harris!), but my excitement has been dampened somewhat by a tragic personal loss. I can't find my favorite jacket! 

That sounds silly, I know, but this is the vintage navy blue polyester jacket that I found years ago at a thrift shop and wore so often it began to come apart at the seams, lots of them. So last year I finally took it to a tailor and paid a bundle to have them stitch it up so it was just like new. I LOVED THAT JACKET SO MUCH! 

If my jacket had caught fire after being struck by lightning or something, that would be one thing. I'd be sad, sure, but at least I'd know what had become of it. As it is, my favorite jacket seems to have simply vanished into thin air. I cannot find it anywhere. Call me Alex "OCD" Williams, but I just can't stand losing favorite articles of clothing. The pain from the loss seems to stick with me for years. Sigh. Anyway... guess I'll just sit here without a jacket on and listen to Bobby Bloom.

[ Bobby Bloom: January 15, 1946 — February 28, 1974 ]

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