Sunday, November 1, 2020

La Rondalla Tapatía

Artist: La Rondalla Tapatía
LP: Rancheras Con La Rondalla Tapatía
Song: "La Norteña"
[ listen ]
I simply love the full and luxurious sound of 22 guitarras and 22 voces...but you do have to wonder if this would really sound remarkably different with just, say, 20 guitarras and 19 voces. (In the photo of La Rondalla Tapatía below, I count just 21 members in the group, but I guess they had to draw straws to decide who would snap the photo.) I picked this one up from the $.99 bins at Fat Cat Records while delivering their mail yesterday. As you can see, I got quite a bargain...especially when you consider that I've also obtained a lovely photo of 21 vintage hanging lanterns. Was I the only kid in the 1970s who was enthralled by the lamp and chandelier sections of the J.C. Penny's and Sears catalogs that arrived in the mail?
[ La Rondalla Tapatía ]

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