Friday, December 4, 2020


Overheard when: 10:42am on Friday, December 4, 2020
Overheard where: In the driveway of a house on the 8800 block of Ashworth Avenue North in Seattle, WA [map]
Overheard who: A portly woman with grey hair in her early-to-mid 60s, standing in her driveway while chatting with the younger dark-haired neighbor lady from next door. I had just delivered an ad that went to every house on Wallingford Route 56 today that advertised the benefits of hiring a cleaning service that claims, in large type across the top of the ad, to be "The Gayest Cleaning Company In America!"
Overheard what: 
Woman #1: "Have you been getting these? I think it's so funny: 'The gayest cleaning company in America!'"
Woman #2: "I know! I took a picture of it and sent it to my friend. I was like, 'Is this okay?'" 
Woman #1: "Well you know, from the gay people I know, they really do a terrific job."

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