Friday, January 22, 2021

5000 Volts

Artist: 5000 Volts
LP: 7" single
Song: "I'm On Fire"
[ listen ]

Happy New Year! I can't tell you how pleased I am with the recent switchover to a new and improved administration in our ole' US of A. Wait...yes I can: I'm SUPER pleased! It's been just two days since the inauguration of the Biden-Harris team, and already the emergency brakes have brought a bunch of Donald Trump bullshit to a screeching halt, as the gear-shift is then thrown into reverse. With so many emergencies to tend to at the moment, I am THRILLED that President Biden submitted a comprehensive (and humane) immigration policy reform bill after his inauguration and before his first night's sleep in the White House. 

Biden has basically been doing what I'd likely be doing if I suddenly found I'd been elected President of the USA during this troubled time. And then, of course, that got me thinking: What song would I choose to have playing at my rallies as I approached the microphone to address an enthusiastic crowd? I've settled on this 1975 disco single by British group 5000 Volts. I'm a little surprised it wasn't already taken. You might say, "Alex, you're too old to start thinking about being the President." And then I'd say: "Yeah, I know." Actually, I may be a little long in the tooth, but by political standards I'm still a spring chicken. Isn't Mitch McConnell 117? Plus, I'm currently working for the Federal Government, so I've already got one foot in the door!

[ 5000 Volts ]

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