Friday, March 26, 2021

Star City

Artist: Star City
LP: I'm a Man
Song: "I'm a Man"
[ listen ]
Song: "Good Times"
[ listen ]

I feel like I've been plenty erratic here on my blog lately, but I haven't really been very homo. Hopefully, posting this 1978 Star City LP (is that one of the Village People slumming on the cover? And what's that thick red shaft he's leaning up against there?) is a step (or maybe a sashay?) in the right direction. Star City was, according to what little info I was able to dig up online, simply a studio group assembled by Canadian producer John Driscoll for a one-off gay-themed disco LP. And if I know men, John probably promised Star City a lifelong contract, filled with platinum albums and thrilling intercontinental tours...but then he just smoked a cigarette and said something like "See ya later, baby" as soon as they put out one LP.

[ Karen Silver of Star City ]

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