Sunday, June 16, 2024

Françoise Hardy [1944-2024]

Artist: Françoise Hardy
LP: The Best of Françoise Hardy
Song: "Only You Can Do It (Je Veux Qu'il Revienne)"
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Song: "I Still Love Him (Pourtant Tu M'Aimes)"
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I was sad to hear that French singer-actress-icon Françoise Hardy died on Tuesday of this past week after a years-long battle with cancer. Hardy passed away on the same day I was with my mother, celebrating her 81st birthday. 
I really didn't know very much about the life and career of Françoise Hardy until reading all about her today on her Wikipedia page. But what I did know is that whenever I found any of her records for sale, I should just go ahead and buy them. They're guaranteed beautiful, moody, ultra-cool pop tonic every time. There's a wonderful piece here from The New York Times that explores what it means to the French to have lost at this particular time their "voice of melancholy cool." 
Françoise Hardy
[ January 17, 1944 — June 11, 2024 ]
We will miss you, Françoise.

1 comment:

bitter69uk said...

Love your tribute but that liner note ... WHEN was Francoise Hardy ever "hoarse"??