Saturday, June 8, 2024

I Am Siam

Artist: I Am Siam
LP: 7" single
Song: "Talk to Me (I Can Hear You Now)"
[ listen ] 

When I was in junior high, my friend Denny Kibbe and I were always excited when we got to visit Tower Records in Seattle. We usually had a hard time finding the place, but once we did we would spend hours inside, just digging through all of their 7" singles. Here's one that I picked up back then, in 1984. Having never heard of I Am Siam, I selected it solely because of its cover. 

Even now there's not much information about the band online. Their bio on LastFM tells us what we already know, and provides no information about the group: 

With the New Wave scene so active in the mid-eighties, many one-hit-wonders appeared on the charts for a brief, one-time stab at the big time. I Am Siam was one of those. Their record "Talk to Me" received only limited club and radio play, and the band faded from the scene as quickly as they appeared. 

I should note that other online sources indicate I Am Siam was a trio based in NYC. 

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