Artist: Lane Caudell
LP: 7" single
Song: "Hanging On a Star"
[ listen ]
Along with creating more shelf space for the LPs currently being stored on my living room floor, one of my favorite things about weeding out my old albums is the stuff I acquire in trade when I finally haul a load of vinyl off to the record store. I took in three bags-full over the weekend, and went home with just a few carefully-selected gems in trade. One of them was this perfect little pop single called "Hanging On a Star" from the 1978 movie of the same name.
If you missed it in theaters, maybe you saw it on VHS.
There's not a lot of information about actor/singer Lane Caudell on the web, but we do know that, at one time, he was one of the regular heart-breakers on the long-running daytime soap opera "Days of Our Lives."
While there's no documented proof that Lane Caudell ever actually knew how to ride a horse, we do know that he often enjoys wearing the trademark accoutrements of the all-American cowboy. We also know that he enjoys relaxing with a glass of red wine and a bubble bath, often simultaneously, after a hard day's work.
As for posterity, Lane has at least one son, Toran, who evidently inherited his father's penchant for wanting to be pinned to the insides of middle school lockers throughout the United States of America and beyond.
[ Toran Caudell, son of Lane ]
You can find a few more biographical bits on IMDB here, but you'll have to become Lane's Facebook friend if you want to know anything more.