Artist: Leisure Process International
LP: 7" single
Song: "A Way You'll Never Be"
[ listen ]
Up the street from Lula B's in Dallas, Texas is B4, "a neighborhood swap shop filled with collectibles, antiques, toys, and a healthy selection of vintage vinyl," according to their website. Their selection of vinyl was healthy; I was able to breathe more easily after buying records there. They didn't have a listening station at Lula B's nor at B4, so I was basically taking a stab in the dark when buying some of the stuff I'd never heard of before. Fortunately, there wasn't a single stinker in the bunch I ended up taking home with me to Seattle. Leisure Process (or Leisure Process International, as they're called here) is one of the groups I hadn't heard before; their early '80s new wave sound would have been so far up my alley in high school it would have hurt. The duo released just four singles before splitting up in 1983; this is single #2.
When I walked into B4 I still had my bag of records I'd bought at Lula B's with me. In Seattle, it's customary to leave all your bags behind the counter while you shop. Evidently nobody in Seattle is able to control themselves and, if they're holding a bag while shopping, they automatically begin to steal things. Nobody at the stores ever says out loud that they don't trust you, you just know that you've got to put your bag behind the counter while you shop. It's unspoken; it's passive. Anyway, when I walked into B4, I showed the guy there that I'd just bought a bag of records at Lula B's and I asked if he'd like me to leave it behind the counter. "Why? You're not going to stuff things into your bag and then walk out without paying for them, are you?" I assured him I was not going to do that. He shrugged and said then there wasn't any reason for me to leave my bag behind the counter. It's so refreshing to get out of Seattle sometimes to spend a few days in the real world.

[ B4 — Dallas, Texas ]