Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Artist: Detroyt
LP: Detroyt
Song: "Physical Lover"
[ listen ]

I read last week that Detroit, Michigan lost 25% of its residents over the past decade, dropping from a population of 951,270 in 2000 to just 713,777 in 2010. The city had a population of 1,849,568 in 1950 and was the 5th largest city in the USA. It's strange and sad to imagine any city losing more than a million of its people—the great exodus has created some creepy, post-apocalyptic scenery in Detroit like this, this, this, this, and this too. And speaking of declining populations, I just found out that Farley Granger died two days ago, he was 85. I hope he didn't live in Detroit.


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