Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Plastic Bertrand

Artist: Plastic Bertrand
LP: L'Album
Song: "Stop Ou Encore"
[ listen ]

This 1980 Plastic Bertrand LP is one of the things I found while cleaning out the French-language section of my record collection. Roger Allen François Jouret (aka. Plastic Bertrand) was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1954 and launched his career in the Buffalo Scouts Band, a Boy Scout group that covered songs by The Rolling Stones. "Stop Ou Encore" (lyrics included below) was evidently featured in the 1999 David O. Russell film THREE KINGS (I don't remember that, guess I need to see it again), and another of his songs, "Ça Plane Por Moi," was featured in Danny Boyle's Oscar-nominated film from last year, 127 HOURS. You can read about the life and career of Plastic Bertrand on Wikipedia here, and see more pictures of the popular Belgian singer and television presenter on his official website here.


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