Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nancy Wilson

Artist: Nancy Wilson
LP: I've Never Been to Me
Song: "I've Never Been to Me"
[ listen ]

This 1977 release isn't my favorite from Nancy Wilson, but I picked it up anyhow so I could hear her take on the title track, "I've Never Been to Me." The song quickly became gay-little-13-year-old-me's favorite on the radio five years later when Charlene took it to the top of the charts, and it's still a reliable staple in my karaoke repertoire today. Frankly, I find Nancy's version a tad too overheated and breathless. For nearly 30 years I've wondered—what exactly was it this lady saw that "a woman ain't supposed to see?" Was it this? Or maybe this? Nancy? Charlene? Do tell!

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