Saturday, March 21, 2015


Artist: Machinations
LP: Esteem
Song: "Pressure Sway" 
[ listen ]
Song: "Jump the Gap" 
[ listen ]
Song: "Esteem" 
[ listen ]

One thing I like most about weeding through my collection is that I usually re-discover a few gems I'd forgotten about over the years. I don't remember buying this 1983 6-track EP by Machinations, but I can certainly see why I did! A big hit in their native homeland of Down Under, Machinations sound a little like what you'd end up with if Simple Minded Frankie Went to Hollywood to mingle with the General Public at a pop music festival. DivShare has been broken for weeks, but maybe someday soon you'll get to hear for yourself what I mean. There's more info about Machinations on Wikipedia here.

[ Machinations ]


  1. Hmm...on your last couple of posts the "listen" links have been inactive, or at least nothing happens when you click on them. I'm on Firefox...

  2. Unfortunately, DivShare has been broken for weeks, producing an Error message instead of uploaded files. They say they're working on it, so I'll keep trying and then add the links as soon as there's something to link to. Sorry!

  3. Ah, no problem. I understand.

  4. It's fixed...ish (there's still no player yet, but you can download the files) so I've added the links. :)
