Saturday, March 14, 2015

Nigel Olsson

Artist: Nigel Olsson
LP: Nigel
Song: "A Little Bit of Soap" 
[ listen ]
Song: "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" 
[ listen ]

I've been weeding through my records again and, in spite of the fact that it's got one of the best album covers around, in spite of the sexy white bell-bottoms, in spite of the bangs, Nigel Olsson's half-self-titled LP has got to go. An aspiring drummer with a Uriah Heep LP credit on his resume, Nigel was picked up by Elton John in 1970 (Nigel looked like this at the time, so the Uriah Heep credit probably had nothing to do with it) and the two have continued working together for years. In fact, they played their 2,000th concert together just four months ago! You can read more about Nigel's decades of work with Elton John on Wikipedia here.

After drumming for Elton in the early '70s, Nigel eventually decided to release some solo material, including this glitzy-looking "Nigel" LP in 1979. Two of the record's highlights include rather soulless covers of The Jarmels' "A Little Bit of Soap" and "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" by Billy Joel, which never really had much soul to begin with. The album also features a number of unfortunate rhyming schemes, such as: Au revoir is not goodbye...but leavin' you still makes me I sit and wonder why... and so on. So anyway...Au revoir, Nigel Olsson.

 [ Nigel Olsson ]

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