Saturday, May 16, 2020

Russell Dean

Artist: Russell Dean
LP: Russell Dean
Song: "Foreign Legion Seaman"
[ listen ]

It seems Russell Dean only made this one LP, back in 1971. So you have to ask: Why did it flop? Was it the bangs? The cover of my copy has been vandalized by someone with poor grammar. You have to ask: Did the perpetrator ever eventually learn the proper usage of indefinite articles 'a' vs. 'an'? Their brief critique of Russell is rather harsh, and you have to ask: Was it due to some interpersonal misunderstanding or maybe a hostile confrontation at an open-mic session at a popular Kansas City cafe, something like that...or was it, you know, the bangs? I wonder if Russell Dean is still alive. I just found out that Lynn Shelton and Fred Willard aren't, so you have to ask: Is anyone still alive? I looked for Russell online and came up with several possibilities, so you have to ask: Could one of THESE be this same Russell Dean? ...the one who's a idiot, I mean. These; these; these; these

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