Thursday, May 14, 2020

Yevgeni Doga

Artist: Yevgeni Doga
LP: The Gypsy Camp Disappears In the Skies
Song: "Malyarkitsa"
[ listen ]

While spending my day off this week in Gig Harbor visiting my parents yesterday (bemasked and socially distant, but emotionally close; I hadn't seen them since Christmas!), I was thrilled to get a text from work telling me to take the next day off too, since I'd been working so many hours! That helped me relax, and I ended up staying for a later dinner than planned, and then played games and watched inspiring YouTube videos with them until I finally headed home to Seattle after 10:30pm.

So then I was a little annoyed when, this morning at 6:51 I got a text from the supervisor at work saying that, because there were so many call-outs, the manager wanted me to come in to work after all. " 9:30?" I texted in reply. I was thrilled to get a response ten minutes later saying never mind, they'd be able to get along without me and to take the day off after all. I jokingly replied that they were putting me on an emotional roller-coaster! 

Then at 8:02am I was annoyed to get a text from the manager saying that three pallets of Amazon parcels had just been delivered to the station and they needed me to come in to work after all to help deliver them...and that they didn't have a truck for me, so I'd likely need to go pick one up somewhere, and they'd be in touch again with further instructions. 

I was thrilled to get another text at 8:31am saying that they had decided to hold off delivering the new Amazon parcels until tomorrow, so I should go ahead and take the day off after all! So as of now (almost 1pm) it looks like I'll have the day off, but I'm still wearing my USPS uniform, just in case. 

I'm also posting this lovely number from Moldovian composer Yevgeni Doga; it's one of the pieces he wrote for the 1976 Russian film THE GYPSY CAMP DISAPPEARS IN THE SKIES (aka. QUEEN OF THE GYPSIES). I found this (slightly warped) copy in the dollar bins out in front of Beats and Bohos sometime last year. You can read all about Yevgeni "Eugen" Doga here, and go here to find some fun places to visit if you're ever in Moldova.

[ Yevgeni Doga ]

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