Thursday, July 1, 2021


Overheard when: 9:26am on Thursday, July 1, 2021
Overheard where: At the table next to mine at The Egg & Us Café (4609 46th Ave. NW, #108) in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA [map]
Overheard who: The female half of a youngish straight Christian couple (mid-to-late 20s? She: non-Caucasian with shoulder-length black hair; he: Caucasian, blonde and balding) who were working through a recent rough patch in their relationship over breakfast. She admitted having been overly sensitive; he conceded that he had been too analytical. After resolving their issues, she mused aloud:
Overheard what: 
"There's a reason that God brought a man and a woman together."

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