Artist: Washington State Youth Choir w/ Vernard JohnsonLP: Give Up to God
Song: "My Testimony"
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Song: "I Trust In God"
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Have you ever heard someone minister the word of God with a saxophone? If not, you're in for a treat today. Vernard Johnson spreads the gospel with his instrument while also giving his personal testimony (with his voice) in "My Testimony," then he ministers some more on sax with the Washington State Youth Choir in the spirited "I Trust In God"—featuring the vocal quartet of Mary L. Dennis, Francelle Ramsey, Carolyn Sopher and Susan Barrett. Sadly, the Washington State Youth Choir seems to have gone the way of the Coleman Dock clock tower on Seattle's historic waterfront (meaning that the choir no longer exists, not that they were hit by a boat and fell into the Puget Sound). The Washington State Youth Choir is pictured standing next to the Seattle Center Science Pavilion on the campus of the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. As you can see, the pavilion is still there today, just a few blocks from where I'm sitting now. If anyone pictured on the LP cover is reading this, I'd love to hear about some of your favorite experiences with the choir and what you're up to nowadays. Here are liner notes from the back of this terrific record:
The Washington State Youth Choir was organized ten
years ago by Ronelle McGraw, a fine young man who
is a musician, composer and a devoted director.
The Choir is made up of a group of dedicated young people
who have accepted holiness as their way of life. It is with
great pleasure that the Washington State Youth Choir
presents Brother Vernard Johnson to the
Evergreen State, Washington.
July, 1971, the W.S.Y.C. attended the International Youth
congress of the Church of God in Christ which was held
in San Francisco, California. During this meeting Brother
Johnson ministered nightly with his saxophone. As he played
the saxophone, the power of the spirit of God was upon
him so greatly that the musical sounds seemingly became
words, and the words became alive and penetrated the
hearts of every soul in the building. There were thousands
of people there and before he had finished playing, every-
one, not just many but I venture to say; everyone in the
auditorium was standing giving vent to the spirit of God.
Our producer, Elder Jerry R. Ramsey was there and was
so impressed that he immediately went to Elder T.L.
Westbrook, State Youth President for the Churches of
God in Christ in the State of Washington to discuss
possibilities of bringing Brother Johnson to Washington
for a concert and possible recording with the choir. Elder
Westbrook was impressed also and felt that Brother Johnson
could be an inspiration to the choir. At this point Elder Ramsey
extended the invitation to him and he so readily accepted.
After returning to Washington; together with Elder
Westbrook and choir director Ronelle McGraw, Elder
Ramsey began to make plans to bring Brother Johnson
to the beautiful State of Washington.
The Choir members were also enthusiastic about his coming
and worked sacrificially to prepare for him. When Brother
Johnson arrived at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport there was
a group of young people waiting to greet him and to take
him to Tacoma, Washington where he was greeted
by fifty or more choir members.
Scarcely a day passes that someone does not mention
the name Vernard Johnson. His conduct, charm, wisdom
and humility was so captivating that he left an indelible
impression upon everyone he came in contact with.
Vernard is presently studying towards a Masters Degree
in religious music at Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.
The W.S.Y.C. extends special thanks to:
State Youth President, Elder T.L. Westbrook
State Youth Chairlady, Miss. Doretha O'Brien
State Bishop, T.J. Kinlow
State Supervisor, Gertrude Young
Assistant Bishop, Superintendant R.E. Altheimer
All State Officials and Pastors for their support in
helping us produce this album.
We invite you to hear and enjoy this, their
second long play album...
Hope your hearts will be challenged to "Give Up To God."