Artist: Deja Vu
I'd love to have been in the room with the execs at Capitol Records when Deja Vu pitched their idea for THIS album cover. Holy mackerel! Now you'd think a group of guys into metal underwear and body paint would be guaranteed to sound pretty far out—like Hungarian space rock or something—so it's pretty disappointing to find that Deja Vu actually sounds a lot like something we've heard somewhere before.
But the LP artwork these Canadian rockers came up with for their 1976 "Song For Everyone" LP certainly isn't like anything we've seen anywhere else before. The best feature is the set of individual black and white portraits of the band laid out on the inner sleeve. There's a little photo insert of what each fellow looks like in his normal everyday life—like when he goes to the hardware store or out for fish 'n chips—which allows us to compare that with how he looks if you remove all his clothes, cover him head to toe with metallic silver body paint, and then force him to wear a speed-o made out of aluminum foil. These guys got guts.