LP: Canta
This song from Drupi's 1983 "Canta" LP goes nicely with hot coffee and rain—the two main topics I've had to deal with today so far. You can find out all sorts of things about Drupi, see some photos and become his friend on MySpace by visiting his official website and there's a nice video here of the handsome singer performing "Sambarió" in 1976 (with two pretty backup singers recruited from the local middle school). The Italian-language "Fa Che Non Mi Manchi" song lyrics are included below, along with an English translation provided by BabelFish.

fa che non mi manchi mai il tuo respiro sul mio seno
Fa che non mi manchi mai un po' di gelosia
buttata sulle spalle ma con il cuore in allarme
Fa che non mi manchi mai il suono dell'amore
e che io possa dedicarti ogni giorno una canzone
Mi ubriaca amaro la voglia di tenerezza
ma è un respiro nella pace
il tocco della tua carezza una carezza
Fa che non mi manchi mai un po' di fantasia
fa che sopra il davanzale ci sia una stella solo mia
Fa che non mi manchi mai un po' di vanità
nascosti fra i capelli ho desideri tanto belli

makes that your breath never does not lack me on my breast
It makes that a po' never does not lack me of jealousy
thrown on the shoulders but with the heart in alarm
It makes that the sound never does not lack me of love
and that I can dedicate to you every day a song
Me drunk bitter the tenderness
wish but it is a breath in the peace
the touch of your caress a caress
It makes that a po' never does not lack me of fantasy
it makes that over the windowsill us it is a star only mine
It makes that a po' never does not lack me of vanity
hidden between hats I have beautiful desires much

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