Overheard where: the ice-cream aisle at the Ballard Safeway supermarket located at 1423 NW Market Street in Seattle, WA [map]
Overheard who: a semi-handsome, slightly plump, dark-haired white guy in his late 20s or early 30s talking on his cell phone in front of the freezers as I was trying to decide what flavor of ice-cream to buy.
Overheard what: "...Ok, well... let me talk to my wife first because one thing Cheryl really values is having snuggle time in bed together when we wake up in the morning ... but if I can snuggle with her tomorrow morning, then I can probably get an early start on Sunday morning and I should be able to get all the work done then ... Mm-Hmm ... Ok ... Ok, well let me talk to my wife and then I'll let you know ... Ok, bye." (removes cell phone from ear, then exclaims aloud) "Shoot!"
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