LP: Central Heating Song: "The Groove Line" [ listen ]
Heatwave's "The Groove Line" reached #7 on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles chart during the summer of 1978. sadly, this eclectic group made up of guys from the USA, the UK, Spain and Czechoslovakia was plagued with a series of disasters (murders, car crashes, etc.) that you can read about here and Heatwave's popularity faded away by the early 1980s. Here's the group lineup when "Central Heating" was released:
I've posted the photos again below in order of sexiness, with the hottest guy at the top and the least sexy one at the bottom. (this is just based on physical appearance, of course. everybody knows that being good-looking is just one small part of what makes someone sexy and that real sexiness comes from within.) (for example, the guy in the picture down at the very bottom wrote three songs for Michael Jackson's "Thriller" LP, including the title track. that's sexy!)
Eric Johns [Electric Lead & Rhythm Guitars, Spanish Guitar]
Johnny Wilder, Jr. [Lead, Backing and Choir Vocals, Congas] [wrote 2 of the 9 songs on the "Central Heating" LP]
Mario Mantese [Bass Guitar]
Keith Wilder [Lead Vocals] Roy Carter [Rhythm and Bass Guitars, Fender Rhodes Piano, Acoustic Piano] Ernest (Bilbo) Berger [Drums and Timbales]
Rod Temperton [Fender Rhodes Piano, Clarinet & Synthesizers, Acoustic Pianos, Organ] [wrote 7 of the 9 songs on the "Central Heating" LP]
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